Independent Animal Care Services LLC

Have a complaint or a concern regarding a neighborhood animal? Complete the form below and we will investigate the complaint. Please remember that we can only investigate complaints in the municipalities that we service. 

Animal Cruelty/ Welfare Concerns: Please be advised that the NJDOH, local health departments, and ACOs that had a former ACI (Animal Cruelty Investigators) certification do not have the authority to investigate animal cruelty. All animal cruelty investigations shall be conducted by Humane Law Enforcement Officers (HLEOs) that report to county prosecutors. Individuals that suspect animal cruelty or abuse should be directed to their local police or County Prosecutors Office for assistance. Reports of animal cruelty or abuse involving livestock should be directed to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. To summarize. There is no longer an Animal Cruelty Investigator title or authority in New Jersey. Local Animal Control Officers that were previously certified as Animal Cruelty Investigators do not have the authority to investigate animal welfare complaints, animal cruelty violations or enforce N.J. state animal cruelty laws. These investigations/enforcements would need to be conducted by your municipal police department. Animal Control Officers can still investigate animal bites, local ordinance violations, and rabies exposure.   

Complaint Form

Please be sure to leave the address where you are witnessing the complaint in the last section before you click submit.

Your Name:*
Your Address:


Complaint type:*
Please provide the address and nature of the complaint:*